Community Foundation Announces Heal Charlottesville Grants

On June 28, 2018, the Community Foundation announced grants totaling $1 million to 42 individuals, organizations and business leaders from its Heal Charlottesville and Concert for Charlottesville Funds, and from an anonymous donor. The Funds were created in response to the terror and violence caused by a series of white supremacist rallies in Charlottesville last summer. 

“For more than 50 years, the Community Foundation has made investments to improve the lives of our neighbors who live and work in the region,” said Brennan Gould, President and CEO, Charlottesville Area Community Foundation. “After the violence of last August and witnessing the hurt left in its aftermath, we knew more had to be done. In addition to ensuring there is financial assistance for survivors as they recover, the Community Foundation is investing in solutions to address the longstanding racial inequities that have impacts on our whole community today.” Read more.