
Thank you for your interest in joining the Community Foundation! We are currently recruiting for the following role:

Vice President of Finance

The Vice President of Finance (The VP) is responsible for the financial health of the Community Foundation. The VP will play a central role to ensure strong fiscal stewardship, organizational integrity and compliance to deliver on our mission. We are seeking a team member whose financial acumen, attention to detail, knowledge of leading financial and accounting practices, and analytical skills are coupled with a deep connection to social progress, personal integrity, and skilled supervision.

The Vice President of Finance will ensure the Community Foundation is positioned to keep our commitment to toward a community of inclusiveness, and an equitable place for those who come after us. This role collaborates with a team of accounting professionals who execute a high volume of transactions.

The VP will steward the accuracy, compliance, and timeliness of reports. The oversight of our financial and accounting functions enables the Community Foundation to reliably facilitate the philanthropy of generous contributors and the sustainability of our assets to deliver on our mission now and into the future.

To apply, please view the full position listing and send a note of interest and resume to: