Our Mission
As a community-centered, equity forward institution, our mission is to improve the quality of life for those negatively impacted by inequitable systems across our region, so that we can be a region in which everyone can belong, participate, contribute, and thrive.
Our Approach
The Community Foundation, in collaboration with donors and community-based organizations, facilitates effective and impactful grant making, philanthropy, scholarships, and other forms of non-monetary support while being responsive to the ever-changing needs of our region.
Our Core Values
We hold ourselves accountable to living the following values in all parts of our work, practice, and organization:

We are committed to listening and learning with an openness that invites deeper exploration. We do not have all the answers and we value a growth mindset.

Our community work benefits from getting close and being authentically connected with those who have direct and lived experience with the community trends we seek to change. We cannot affect lasting change from a distance.

We are committed to truth-telling about our collective past and our shared fates. We believe honest hindsight about where we’ve been is necessary to help us understand our present and to create a better future.

We seek opportunities to help our communities heal from past harm and to set course for a renewed and regenerative future state.

We align and partner with those who have been excluded from the full benefits of our region to create a more equitable and inclusive place for all. We seek partnerships with other philanthropic efforts to achieve greater impact together.