David Dodson delivered the keynote address at this year’s Annual Lunch on October 10. Calling his talk “Building a Loom to Weave the Future,” Dodson shared with our attending donors and nonprofit partners “some thoughts about where we are [and] where we are going,” while seeking “to root the Charlottesville region in the larger narrative of possibilities and challenges that we face in the South.”
Dodson, president of MDC, a nonprofit based in Durham, North Carolina, commented from the podium on the warmth and conviviality in the room. There is no question that the Annual Lunch gives us an opportunity to connect with all of our stakeholders, and for our stakeholders to connect with each other. It’s a connection we deeply value. “When I look out at this room,” Foundation President Brennan Gould told the group in her introduction, “I see a community of people who believe what our founding members believed—that we are deeply interconnected.”
Watch Dodson’s complete presentation here, including Gould’s introduction. You’ll also find a link to MDC’s most recent State of the South report.