Customized Service
We work closely with you to develop a giving approach that matches your personal interests and tax planning needs. Our staff will help ensure that your philanthropy has a meaningful and lasting impact on our community.
Community Knowledge & Access to Information
We understand local needs and know the organizations working to address those needs. That helps us connect you with the groups that are making a difference in the areas you care about most. Upon request, we will collect information and arrange meetings with specific nonprofit organizations in your particular area of interest.
Permanent Legacy and Accountability
We will work with your estate attorney, accountant, or other advisor to explore strategies to reduce taxes, increase income, and build a permanent legacy. We take seriously our stewardship of your charitable gift and the responsibility to preserve and execute donor intent.
Investment Expertise
The Community Foundation’s Investment Committee of leading investment professionals employs a responsible investment approach, with clear guidelines and objectives. You will receive quarterly financial reports noting all contributions, withdrawals, income and appreciation for your fund.
Experience with Non-Cash Gifts
The Community Foundation accepts charitable gifts of cash, marketable securities, real estate and other non-cash assets. We can serve as trustee for charitable trusts where the Community Foundation is the beneficiary and we have experience with private foundation terminations.
Anonymity and Public Recognition
Your philanthropic contributions can be publicly acknowledged in Community Foundation publications or remain anonymous. We maintain strict confidentiality of all donor information and, at your request, can establish a fund, accept a gift, or make a grant in a way that will protect and maintain your anonymity.
Leverage Grantmaking Expertise
The Community Foundation incorporates industry-wide best practices in our approach to grant making. Working with our philanthropic partners, we focus on impact and and our collective goal of improving life for those in our community.
Contact Terrel White to learn more about the ways the Foundation can support your philanthropic goals.