Types of Funds

Unrestricted Funds

An unrestricted gift to the Community Foundation helps meet a broad range of community needs — including those that cannot be anticipated at the time of the gift. Through the foundation’s Community Endowment, we can respond to the most pressing local needs as they change over time.

Donor and Committee Advised Funds

Individuals and groups can have an ongoing involvement in the deployment of their funds by recommending gifts to address issues and needs in the community.

Field of Interest Funds

These funds are designated to impact a particular area of community life—arts, education, animals, aging, environment, etc. Once you have specified an area of interest, the Community Foundation awards grants to community organizations working in that field.

Designated Funds

You can designate a specific nonprofit organization(s) that will receive regular gifts from a designated fund at the foundation.

Scholarship Funds

Financial support is critical to youth in our community as they pursue post-secondary education. In partnership with the foundation, you make an impact on aspiring scholars while our staff manages the legal and administrative process of scholarship making.

Agency Funds

These permanent designated funds are established by nonprofits for the organization’s own benefit. The Community Foundation offers investment options, handles the administrative work of endowment fund, and accepts and acknowledges gifts on your behalf. By letting us manage the funds, nonprofits can focus on providing services to the community and fundraising.

For more information about Agency Funds, please contact Kisha Bwenge.

Contact Terrel White for fund agreements and more information about fund options.