The Charlottesville Area Community Foundation is pleased to welcome Alex Gross as our new Senior Program Manager. Alex will collaboratively lead in piloting and building out new policies and programs rooted in trust-based, equity-forward philanthropy. In partnership with the Director of Programs and the donor relations team, she will cultivate relationships that bring new infrastructure, …Read More>
Community Members Invited to Help Advance Equitable Grantmaking Practices in Central VA
The Charlottesville Area Community Foundation announces an open call for applicants to our Community Advisory Committee (CAC). Members of the CAC work with Community Foundation staff to make funding decisions and guide the strategic direction for our grant programs. We are excited to launch this process as an open call for the first time in …Read More>
Bama Works Fund Awards $669K to 88 Nonprofits
The Bama Works Fund of Dave Matthews Band at the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation is pleased to announce its Spring 2022 grant funding decisions, totaling nearly $670,000 and supporting 88 nonprofits throughout the region. With this round of grants, the Bama Works Fund extends its twenty-plus years of commitment to Charlottesville and the surrounding counties. This …Read More>
Louisa County Community Fund Awards $95K to 17 Nonprofits
The Louisa County Community Fund is pleased to announce its Spring 2022 grant funding decisions, totaling over $95,000 and supporting 17 nonprofits working in Louisa County. Administered by the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation, this competitive grant cycle is supported by a diverse group of Louisa County community members whose personal and professional backgrounds make them …Read More>
Megan Donovan Named Grants Administrator
The Charlottesville Area Community Foundation is pleased to announce Megan Donovan as its new Grants Administrator. Megan will perform a variety of programmatic and administrative tasks to support the smooth functioning of the foundation’s discretionary grantmaking and capacity building programs. She will work with grant partners and coordinate event and meeting support, while helping to ensure compliance …Read More>
Our Vision of Philanthropy
In 2015, the Community Foundation introduced its Enriching Communities, Strengthening Systems, and Shaping Futures grant programs. Since that time, we have awarded over ten million dollars from our discretionary programs to local nonprofits and community-based organizations who provide a necessary safety net for many of our residents as well as cultural programs that make our …Read More>
Community Foundation Hosts Successful Catchafire Peer Learning Event
The Community Foundation recently convened a peer learning event in support of year two of its partnership with Catchafire. More than 30 nonprofit practitioners came together to learn from and share with one another, highlighting successes in helping their organizations connect with pro bono expertise, enhance capacity, and save money. Panelist Anna Pillow, Executive Director of …Read More>
Chaquita Venable named Donor Relations Administrator
The Charlottesville Area Community Foundation is pleased to announce Chaquita Venable as its new Donor Relations Administrator. Chaquita will perform a variety of programmatic and administrative functions as part of the donor relations team, including support for applicants and grantees to our donor advised grantmaking programs. Additionally, she will coordinate compliance, general information management, communications, …Read More>
Funding Available for Organizations Improving Quality of Life in Louisa County
The Louisa County Community Fund is accepting proposals from organizations working to improve the quality of life in Louisa County from now until March 15, 2022. Administered by the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation, this competitive grant cycle is supported by a diverse group of Louisa County community members who are uniquely positioned to review applications …Read More>
Prana Fund awards grants to support environmental education and the visual arts
The Smith (Karyn and Brice) Family’s Prana Fund at the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation is pleased to announce nearly $20,000 in awards to support projects that integrate environmental education and the visual arts through hands-on educational opportunities for children living in Charlotteville and/or Albemarle County. Learn more.