
Community Foundation Presented Truist Promise Award

The Southeastern Council of Foundations (SECF), in partnership with the Truist Foundation, has presented the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation with an inaugural Truist Foundation Promise Award. The award came in recognition of the Community Foundation’s “innovative response to the COVID-19 pandemic,” according to Janine Lee, president and CEO of SECF, “a response that leveraged multiple …Read More>

City Schoolyard Garden Receives Shaping Futures Grant; Birth Sisters of Charlottesville Advance Work

City Schoolyard Garden, in partnership with Charlottesville City Schools, has been awarded a five-year, $500,000 Shaping Futures grant from the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation. That group’s project is designed to improve the health of Charlottesville youth through healthy school meals, engagement in school gardens, and cultivating leadership and lifelong healthy living skills. Meanwhile, the Birth Sisters of …Read More>

Community Recovery & Catalyst Grants Awarded

The Charlottesville Area Community Foundation has awarded Community Recovery & Catalyst Grants to 124 area nonprofit organizations totaling $2,218,250. These grants are made possible through generous contributions from the Bama Works Fund of Dave Matthews Band, the University of Virginia Health System, the Twice Is Nice Fund, Dorothy Batten, and Enriching Communities, which is managed by the Community Foundation. While these four grant …Read More>

Watch Our Investments Update Webinar

As Jim Beckett wryly noted, during our Investments Update webinar on October 13, “It’s been an interesting time.” So to check in our investments and look to the future, we gathered members of the Community Foundation’s Investment Committee and Wells Fargo Private Bank. Our panelists included Kristina Koutrakas, portfolio strategy director for the Virginia Retirement …Read More>

Recognizing Indigenous Peoples Day

At the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation, we believe that the history of our region does not lie in the past. Instead, it lives deep inside communities today, lending essential context to the successes we have enjoyed and the challenges we continue to face. And what context could be more essential than the recognition of peoples …Read More>

Our Equity Journey

The Community Foundation was founded on a keen awareness of our interconnectedness as a community of people sharing a region. Our futures are intertwined, and in order to thrive together, we need to ensure that we are contributing to conditions that enable everyone to meet their full potential regardless of the circumstances of one’s birth. …Read More>

Bama Works Fund Announces $1 Million Partnership with Emergency Fund

The Bama Works Fund of Dave Matthews Band at the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation is pleased to announce a $1 million commitment to a special Community Recovery & Catalyst Grants program. In lieu of its fall grant round, Bama Works Fund is partnering with the Community Emergency Response Fund to offer a grant program for …Read More>

Statement on the Murder of Black People

At the Community Foundation we are heartbroken by the events of these past weeks: the murder in Georgia of Ahmaud Arbery, the murder in Louisville of Breonna Taylor, and the murder in Minneapolis of George Floyd. They were murdered by individuals sworn (at the time or in the recent past) to protect them and their …Read More>

Quad-C Management Donates More Than $1 Million to Community Emergency Response Fund

The Charlottesville Area Community Foundation is pleased to announce a contribution exceeding $1 million from local investment firm Quad-C Management, Inc., to the Community Emergency Response Fund. The fund was established to provide flexible resources to households and organizations in Central Virginia helping to alleviate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. “The crisis we’re facing …Read More>